There are various levels of membership. The Certification Board will determine the appropriate classification based on their assessment of each applicants academics and experience. Membership in ITP is open to any person who resides in the province of Prince Edward Island and who meets the criteria for one or more of the following categories of membership.
Certified Member
Includes Certified Technician (C.Tech.), Certified Engineering Technologist (CET), Applied Science Technologist (AScT), Certified Engineering Technicians from other provinces who transfer to P.E.I. are allowed to retain their C.E.T. designation. All members have provided proof of technical training which meets the minimum national standards in their discipline. They must also provide names of three professional references who are contacted by ITP regarding the applicant’s work experience. Two years of approved experience are required.
Associate Member
These members are working in the field of applied science or engineering technology or a member of the Canadian Armed Forces and:
- do not have the academic requirements for certification or the desired category of membership but wish to pursue a course of studies and examinations as recommended and approved by the Registration Board leading to certification; or
- do not have one year of appropriate Canadian experience required for certification; and
- are not a full-time student
Maximum term to remain as an associate member is five years unless specifically extended by the Certification Board. Associate members have most of the privileges of certified members, are subject to the same controls of Council and bylaws of the Association but have no vote in ITP affairs.
Student Member
Student membership is available to all students enrolled in a full-time engineering technology, applied science technology or computer information technology program in recognized technical institutes or colleges in P.E.I. The maximum term for a student member is four years unless specifically extended by Council. No other category of membership is available to student members without approval of Council. Student members have most of the privileges of certified members, are subject to the same controls of Council and bylaws of the Association but have no vote in ITP affairs.
Life & Retired Membership
Members who have maintained active membership and have retired from the practice of applied science or engineering technology may apply to ITP for Life Member status. Life Member status carries all the privileges of full membership, including the right to vote on Association affairs, but is free to the member. The Council has the final say on life member status, and will look at such things as involvement in the association (ie council member or volunteer), years of membership and contribution to the field of Technology.
Retired members who have a minimum of 40 years active membership are eligible for Retired Member status which reduces their membership fees. Retired Member status does not include the right to vote on Association affairs. The Council has the final say on retired member status.
Honorary Membership
Conferred at the discretion of the Council and in accordance with the bylaws of ITP.